Investigations and Insights in Gingival Health Research
Dear Reader,
On behalf of the Colgate-Palmolive Company, I welcome you to the premiere issue of Gingival Health Dialogue — Investigations and Insights in Gingival Health Research.
The past decade has seen a growing amount of compelling new data supporting an association between periodontal disease and systemic disease and the critical role of inflammation as a "pathway" between the mouth and the rest of the body, making the control and prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis of paramount importance to your practice. This new series is dedicated to advancing your knowledge of periodontal disease therapeutics, providing in-depth reviews and summaries of the latest published studies, with unique insights from their principal investigators. Additionally, we will provide you with access to the newest educational resources to enhance your understanding of current available treatment modalities. As the title of the series suggests, this program was created to encourage a dialogue on this important subject. As such, we welcome your comments on the program and on future editorial directions.
You can download the entire issue by clicking on the link below