Dentin Hypersensitivity

Diabetes And Dentistry: Colgate and ADA Video Conference
Expert presenters address the diabetes/oral health link and the challenges of treating those with the disease.
Dental Professional Discuss Colgate Total* Efficacy
Professionals explain in their own words how the Triclosan anti-microbial formula in Colgate Total* fights germs and improves the oral health of patients.
Professional Education
Introducing Pro-Argin™, A Breakthrough Technology Based upon Arginine and Calcium Carbonate for In-Office Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity
A Breakthrough Technology Based upon Arginine and Calcium Carbonate for In-Office Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity. -
Pro-Argin™ Technology Mode Of Action
Learn how the Pro-Argin™ Technology behind Colgate* Sensitive Pro-Relief<sup>TM/MC</sup> desensitizing paste works. -
Clinical Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Desensitizing Paste Containing 8% Arginine and Calcium Carbonate for the In-office Relief of Dentin Hypersensitivity Associated with Dental Prophylaxis
Learn how Pro-Argin<sup>TM/MC</sup> Technology is clinically proven to work prior to a dental procedure. -
American Journal of Dentistry, Pro-ArginTM/MC Special Issue
Introducing Pro-Argin<sup>TM/MC</sup>, a Breakthrough Technology Based upon Arginine and Calcium for In-Surgery Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity. -
The Journal of Clinical Dentistry*, Pro-ArginTM/MC Special Issue
Pro-Argin<sup>TM/MC</sup> — a Breakthrough Technology Based Upon Arginine and Calcium — for the Everyday Relief of Dentin Hypersensitivity.
Patient Education
Colgate* Sensitive Pro-Relief<sup>TM/MC</sup> Desensitizing Paste Patient Education Guide
A chairside guide to show patients how Colgate* Sensitive Pro-Relief<sup>TM/MC</sup> works. -
Treatment Options for Tooth Sensitivity
While tooth sensitivity is one of the most common dental problems, not everyone requires the same treatment. Your treatment will change depending on the cause. Fortunately most all types of sensitivity are treatable, sometimes right from your home.
Related Products
Colgate® PerioGardSF Gum Care Toothpaste
Colgate® PerioGardSF is a daily toothpaste that fights the bacteria that can cause early gum disease.
Colgate* Dental Floss
Colgate* Dental Floss helps to protect gums, remove plaque between teeth, and improve oral health. Now with a PTFE-free floss fiber, mint flavor wax, and 25% recycled plastic case.