Colgate* PreviDent* 5000 Plus
Colgate* PreviDent* 5000 Plus est un dentifrice qui contient 5000 ppm de fluorure. Il allie la puissance nettoyante d’un dentifrice à du fluorure afin de protéger contre la carie dentaire.
1. Data on file. Final report: Stained pellicle removal study number 00-1409. Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2 .Baysan A. et. al. Reversal of primary root caries using dentifrices containing 5,000 and 1,100 ppm fluoride. Caries Res. 2001:35:41-46.
3. MacDonald S. Tooth decay and the soda factor. The Cincinnati Enquirer. April 7,1999:E1,E5.
4. ADA Council on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations. Treating carries as an Infectious disease. JADA. 1995;126(suppl):2-S-15-S.
5. American Dental Association, Accepted Dental Therapeutics Ed. 40 (Chicago, 1984): 405-407.
6. H.R. Englander et al., JADA 75 (1967): 638-644.
7. H.R. Englander et al., JADA 78 (1969): 783-787.
8. H.R. Englander et al., JADA 83 (1971): 354-358.
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